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Update the Password Stored for your Exchange Account on a Windows Mobile Device (v5)

Important: The process below details the steps you would take to update the password for your Exchange account that is stored on a Windows Mobile device. You would perform these steps after your ePassword has been changed using the "Change Password" link at

  1. On your pocket pc, tap the start menu with your stylus and select Programs followed by ActiveSync.
    Select Active Sync
  2. Click the "Menu" option in the lower-right corner. From the fly-up menu that appears, select "Configure Server...".
  3. Click "Next" to continue to the next screen without change the Server Address.
  4. On the screen that displays your User name, Password, & Domain, delete the entire contents (i.e. remove all *'s) of the Password field. Hint: If you "double-tap" in the Password field with your stylus, the entire contents of the field will be highlighted and you can click the Backspace key to delete the highlighted selection.
    Enter credentials
  5. In the Password field, enter your ePassword. If you need to change your ePassword, you must use the "Change Password" link at and then enter that same password here.
  6. Click "Next".
  7. Click "Finish".
  8. [Optional] Click "Sync" to verify you successfully changed your password and are able to syncronize your device with the Exchange server.